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Tons of Courses

Whether you need contact hours or not...earn hours if you want, or take the courses simply to enhance your nursing practice.

Full Online Courses

Teaching videos ● Practice Questions ●  Rationales
Perfect for nursing students as well as practicing nurses who need contact hours!
Step-by-step video explanations of sample lab results, plenty of practice problems with rationales
Learn to identify and analyze over 25 different cardiac rhythms and determine appropriate treatment and interventions
Learn to respond to difficult situations including sepsis and end of life concerns

Tough Topics

Real-world information on caring for wounds from a certified wound care nurse

Wound Care

Mini Courses

 Video Instruction ● Mini Knowledge Checks 

In-Depth Pharm Reviews

Video refreshers and extensive questions to ensure you understand what you need
Have trouble remembering cardiac meds? Review mode of action, side effects, and important nursing considerations for each drug class 
Moving to a psych unit? Review key psychiatric mental health medications as well as nurse's role and responsibility with psych meds
Real-world help to stop incivility and bullying on a nursing unit
How to provide competent and inclusive reproductive healthcare to the LGBTQ+ community


Hour-Long Presentations

Increase your compassion and sensitivity by watching hour-long recorded webinars.